Starling is a fantastic multi-platform development framework for 2D games.

With Starling 1.6, the concept of a Sprite3D has been introduced, which gives Starling a lot of neat pseudo-3D features, without ever leaving the comfort of a 2D framework.

YCanvasMap is a great way to get a hardware accelerated map system onto your Starling platform. Check out this awesome Map Demo: YCanvasMap

Unfortunately, the Sprite3D functionality has been developed after the YCanvasMap code was written, so the coolness of the Sprite3D class isn’t available in the YCanvasMap code.

As a proof of concept, I have hacked this little preview, of what could be done with the Sprite3D class as a base for the YCanvasMap code.

Thanks to WordPress magic, I am unable to show the feature in this post, but here is a direct link to all the fun